Eurofins Foundation is Supporting the Love Rimurimu Restoration Project

We are delighted to announce that the Eurofins Foundation is supporting the Love Rimurimu Restoration project. This project is a collaborative effort to pilot the regeneration of underwater rimurimu (seaweed) forests in Whanganui-a-tara, New Zealand. Initiated by the Mountains to Sea Wellington Trust and with the support of scientific expertise, local government, industry, community and mana whenua interests, the project will trial effective seaweed regenerative methodologies aimed at restoring crucial ecosystems. When seaweed is in healthy abundance, it can absorb more carbon that trees and improve water quality, protect coastlines and provide a wonderful food source for our sea creatures. The Foundation’s funding will support important research into identifying sites with the most potential for restoration field trials, and seaweed species with optimum environmental resilience for forest renewal.
This year the Eurofins Foundation is supporting 92 transformative projects around the world, all working to promote environmental protection, health, and sustainable development. Founded in 2019 to implement long-term philanthropic efforts, its objectives are closely linked to the Eurofins Group’s mission of ‘contributing to global health and safety and protecting the environment’. The purpose of the Foundation is to support initiatives, such as the Love Rimurimu Restoration Project that share these same goals.
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