Asbestos Testing
The physical properties of Asbestos relating to its strength, durability and resistance to fire and water, meant that from the 1920s until the mid-1980s asbestos was widely used in building products and materials. As a result, asbestos is prevalent throughout many New Zealand homes and workplaces. This presents a problem particularily during the renovation or demolition of buildings constructed during this period.
Asbestos is New Zealand’s number one killer in the workplace, with around 170 people a year dying from asbestos-related diseases in New Zealand, mainly as a result of exposure to asbestos during demolition or renovation.
Eurofins Environment Testing specialises in asbestos analysis for residential and commercial properties. We offer an asbestos Mobile Lab Service in addition to our services below:
Asbestos Identification
We provide a bulk sampling and identification service at our IANZ-accredited Auckland, Tauranga and Christchurch laboratories. Samples are taken in accordance with ISO/IEC17025 and AS4964. We appreciate the urgency with which our customers may need to address asbestos issues, and for time critical samples, we can provide information on the same day samples are received.
Asbestos Fibre Counting
Asbestos Fibre Counting refers to airborne fibre sampling that assesses exposure and the effectiveness of control measures. Air monitoring includes exposure, control and clearance monitoring. We offer an IANZ-accredited fibre counting service under the following method. NOHSC: 3003(2005) Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for Estimating Airborne Asbestos Fibres. Air monitoring is required during Class A asbestos removal work.
Our range of test methods for determining asbestos levels in air, housing materials, road asphalt, soil, water and dust, are as follows:
Please contact us for more information or visit Eurofins Focus here.